A common talking point that we run into when speaking to members of District Attorneys' Offices is whether their diversion program is paid for by the offenders or by county resources using taxpayer funds. When asked which we believe is the better option, our answer varies by each jurisdiction's specific circumstances and resources. However, more often than not, a county-paid option has merits.
Why Should County Resources Be Used Toward Diversion?
The main idea behind the agency cost model is that it provides a net gain after eliminating expenses associated with recidivism, costly county-paid correctional facilities (i.e., jails and prisons), and the overall number of cases in the court system. Lowering case numbers reduces case backlog and frees up resources for court staff and attorneys, ultimately lowering operational costs. Of course, this ideology assumes that a diversion program is effective at reducing recidivism, or the probability of an offender re-offending after having completed the program.
How Effective Are Diversion Programs?
Diversion offers much less burden on the court system, department of corrections, and the community all around. Many case studies exist, including one of our own, that suggests offenders are significantly less likely to reoffend after having completed a diversion program that truly holds offenders accountable and gives them the education and guidance needed to make better decisions going forward. Over time, the community sees clear benefits in that there are less people imprisoned and more people contributing.
Can Offenders Afford a Diversion Program?
What prompts crimes like petty theft, drug use, and other risky, illegal behavior? Usually, it comes down to money -- or rather the lack of it. However, CorrectiveSolutions' administered programs are low cost and, in most cases, more affordable than fees associated with courts and even public defenders. CorrectiveSolutions also uses a sliding scale and reserves a fund for the indigent to help ensure our programs are affordable to everyone. Regardless, everyone in the program is treated equally and given a chance take advantage of the diversion offer.
We Can Customize a Diversion Program for Your Jurisdiction!
If your current program is underperforming, or you have been considering diversion for your community, we can help! Contact Us or reach out to Thomas Jonsson using the information below.